3 April 2008


This week we finalized, printed and delivered to our addressing company the 2008 International Female Ride Day posters. In Canada the campaign includes iconic designed posters (very cool looking I might add) which are mailed to every motorcycle/power sport dealership—North, South, East, West. When my colleague Betty was working the master address sheet, she informed us of a motorcycle dealership in Moncton, New Brunswick called “Toys for Big Boys”–we all giggled aloud! My first thought, and I know you’re thinking it too—what about women who want to buy a motorcycle? Would they enjoy shopping in, or consider venturing into a retailer brazening such a name?

Okay, so perhaps the dealership only caters to men, yet nonetheless—it’s not real inviting for a female who may be in the neighbourhood and interested in buying a motorcycle. And are they thinking about big boys in the sense of being tall and weighty? Or big boys, such as not 12 years of age any longer?
Can you imagine a woman exclaiming “yeah, I ride a motorcycle—got myself one of dem’ toys for big boys”!? And what of our future young ladies of motorcycling, our fashionista teeners—will they associate owning and riding a motorcycle to that of a toy just for big boys?

I tried to find a web address curious to view first hand exactly what “Big Boy Toys” looked like—I managed to find a web address but there’s nothing there yet—in the telephone book they feature Harley Davidson and Honda as part of their Yellow Pages listing.

When considering both sides of the coin--"Toys For Big Boys" probably started during an earlier era where this may have been the “buzz phrase" among men. Time for an upgrade wouldn't you agree? Owning a business also means moving on with the times and since women control 80% of household income —boys will need to get permission before buying any toys from this store!

I wonder what they'll do with the Female Ride Day poster when they receive it?
Yes, its all in good fun--being a motorcycling woman, loving' the differences.
Your thoughts?


achildoftheking said...


I'm totally with you on this. As an American woman rider I'd like to see more focus on women riders.

Is it possible to get the U.S. listed as part of the Int'l Female Ride Day posters too, not just CA? It would be way cool! There's many many riders in Washington State.

Thanks for your time!


LesleyN said...

Hi Vicki, your blog was just brought to my attention and thought that I would take a moment to respond. My name is Lesley and I have worked at Toys for Big Boys for 11 years. I first of all would like to thank you for mentioning our Dealership in your blog and provide you with some information about who we are.
Our company was started 41 years ago by my father-in-law, Fred. It was a business that started in the basement of his home and grew to be one of the most well know motorcycle dealerships in Canada. At the time there were not many women riding motorcycles, but the name was not chosen as a means of alienating anyone. Fred chose the name because it stands out, people notice it and talk about it. The name is memorable. People from all over the world have come to our store because of the name. We have a staff of 32, a third of which are women. Many strong, intelligent women have contributed to the success of this company and have proudly worn the name tag.
We have had discussions about the name alot over the past couple of years, especially with the increased number of female riders. We are very active in the female riding community. We regularly host Women's Garage Parties - closed information session for women who are interested in getting their motorcycle license, as well as those who also ride. We participate in the Female Ride Day, with our very own sales rep, Brittany, leading the group. We are also involved with charities promoting women's health.
Again, I would like to thank you for your interest in our little 24,000 square foot dealership located on Salisbury Road in Moncton, New Brunswick - way up here on the east coast of Canada. If you are ever in the area, please drop in and visit us and you'll see that there is just as much here for women riders as there is for the "boys".
If you are interested in finding out more about our dealership, our website is toysforbigboys.ca.
Thank you again for your interest,
Lesley Northrup
Toys for Big Boys
Moncton, New Bruwnswick, Canada